Your ingame name: ethannonnies The offender's ingame name: TrollHQ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: spamming I suck...
k <3 lel (no homo)
umm does it already show that or do i have to type it all in?
umm how do u delete it?
wot ever he said sorry for saying it im gonna delete it
xD yes "5zig_PvP_Mod" shows your armor status and potion effects
then he acts like he doesnt know what ddos means
idc if u dont believe me [ATTACH]
NovaPhd keeps ddosing me ;------; then he acts like he doesnt know what ddos is
U called Me gay :/
and btw its "an"* not a**
We dont want u to get banned, You Deserve the ban
@Jibonbdcraft He Makes fun of us all the time, Im not sure he was "fooling around"