Me personally being a massive og and knowing those maps it would be fun to see them again, though paying for a server just for that would be...
Where am i?
I'm not that good or not that bad at PVP, but target abuse is by my side so even if I don't have the skills my people would drag you to the target...
I voted up till the 24th but then was sick, feels bad. Gratz to the winners though. P.S - PinkComboz why u still have Christmas hat it's February xD
What sounds better? #StopTargetAbuse, #StopTargetAboose Or #StopTargetAb00se?
How about pepper? xD
New profile picture hype!
Delta why u gotta target abuse?... 5
2. If any mod comments before we get to fifty that's target abuse so don't.
We're pretty nice. But I'm pretty sure the Vancouver 2011 riot was worse then that.
Idk who you are so ima give 5 cuz that's in the middle.
1? 1! 1?? 1.
Q - What do you call a cow with no legs? A - Ground Beef.
Like it sounds the goal is to have the most cringy joke of all. Rules : Comment down what you think is the most cringe joke. Please don't...
Good moderator application.. I hope you make it, support!;)
I look towards seeing you up there on the /staff list. Good luck! Support. ;)
Nvm you have to edit the server address from com to org for it to work. Thanks anyways!