Meh sounds like good idea. Support
4. Tbh I'm already happy with this xD.
NOOOO. Rip another OG. Will always remember you :(
2, I consider it a win if somebody posts on this before a mod does.
2, I think like once xD. It's extreamly hard to even get to that now :/
:(. Another OG down, you were one of the first people I met on here. RIP.
Nooooo, don't leave me I've been here since 2013 and that's more then 3 years.
5 chances are a mod os gonna post before we get to 6 yay.
Tbh that's target ab00se so they can't sue me for that.
Savage.. 6.
It was this very moment that I realized my mind has wandered here and got side tracked instead of finishing my English homework :/
3... I can predict that a mod will ruin my day by posting before we get to fifty :(
Everyday is Monday for me since I can never get out of bed.
Also no matter how many usernames you get, I will always mistake you for a pickle instead of a watermelon or computer etc xD
Support, ordi I never knew you were computer on forums until now xD
Check your resource packs and super secret settings, if that doesn't work idk what to do.
Support because you have a trump skin............................ Jk your mod application is over qualified and I've seen you when you were a mod...
I've been playing on mv since 2013 and I can only recognize foils out of that entire list xD.
I don't need to be good at PVP to win, trying to beat me is considered target ab00se which is illegal. That and my png and rng is the greatest.
Good. Support because of that xD.