Umm idk what to wasn't me who hacked you both or none
Paulp.p what is your ign.
Thanks for the support I just want to end /arrows or atleast freeze arrows really does get annoying .
Ok with out that pick i would win the fight, with out heal and pick axe i would win smoothly any way this ins't about fights only ban /arrows
Have you guys not seen selfiepvpforu every time i go down i get 7vs1 spammed freeze arrows pretty unfair yet they fail to kill me.i get annoyed...
those 2 aren't good enough to kill me some people have 9k buy 7 stacks of freeze arrows to kill me gets annoying they call me a noob for running...
If you go to archer pvp I'm the second best player UnderRatxd i get annoyed of being spammed 7 stacks of freezer,explosive,poison and spastic...
A lot of people play which is good but most of them attend to abuse /arrow mostly "the freezer arrow" they buy stacks and stacks makes the game...
Noobcrew /arrows in archerpvp are abused a lot of ppl like "selfiepvpforu" just spam stacks and ruins the game can you at least think about...
I would like to report this player know as xXOLIVERXx We told him to stop hacking as a warning so i recorded because he wouldn't stop....
Noobcrew can you consider to take off /heal on ranks or make the time longer there are many complains that it's op and the person with /heal can't...
I would like to be a mod because i see a lot of complains and i see many of them.I would like to keep the server clean and a good community. I'm...