lol that is a weird mix of nationality's I'm Polish also raised in usa
u can kinda see the spawn floor throw the chat
no i didn't know i had to have a full screenshot...
Your ingame name: Long_Island_Pat The offender's exact ingame name: ShareScreens A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: put my...
an internal error has occurred that what it said on opfactions
no he comes on for atleast a hour yesterday he was for quiet some time
there are tons of moderators on opfacs tad24 comes on almost everyday to see whats going on tads4*
i feel like something needs to be added as opfactions is getting smaller in number everyday.
can anyone do a rank upgrade from vip to mvp please msg me!
we will keep hopeing for opfactions and factions emeralds to get added to shop!!!!
i can't connect to mineverse for the past 2 hours
thnyan559 i agree with you but it will never get fixed if you talk so informal to them
Angelo is hacking u can see him not taking any knockback and running and hitting me at the sametime its not lag
Support! They Should Add It To OPFactions Also!
I beg to differ with you boy!
I dont think we need anymore staff