Good app I trust you if the app was bigger I would give my full support but in game I give 100% Support for you to be mod.
Lava buckets are contribanned, we only check players inventory's when we get a report/msg of somone teling us that they have seen you laving or...
Because I know you, and I know I can trust you I am going to accept, If I find out you have been greifing again though, you will be banned with no...
You was banned for greifng multiple times, by unbanning you how do I know your not gonna grief again?
In-game name: Full exact Ban Message: Did you read the rules ? Why do YOU think you were banned? Was this an incorrect ban? Were you ever banned...
GG Gey support.
With the 1.6 update just being released a lot of the players don't know how too downgrade too 1.6.4. You should start with a screen like this....
I did not touch your items, I took the gold apple. and just called me a , thanks for that.
Report has been dealt this, all that is needed is a mod/admin too close/archive this.
Ye, only guard on prison.
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
How old are you? 16! /07/04/97 Your in-game name: ImKroniqL/ImKroniq/KroniqL What timezone are you in? GMT- London What country do you live in?...
Umg ima guyGurl
Yeah I am :L
I Lyke dugz
Your banned for flying then, make a ban appeal I think that is the only way that I can suggest to you.