No need to comment then.
Thank you.
And if we're following rules from the old server you should be banned you have hacks...
How old are you? I am 16, soon to be 17. Your in-game name: ImKroniqL, nicked as KroniqL on most though. What timezone are you in? I am in GMT....
Reworded: Anyone got proof where it says swords aren't aloud on this server? not the prison2.
Right, I was thinking about this and I think it would be a good form of plugin to use for the server. I am not sure if there is already a plugin...
Nice xD
This is still here?
Welcome to the server were doing stuff for the server gets you banned and demoted.
Theirs like 1 active guard now, as im gone too.
Not gonna reply to my appeal?
This aint gonna change nothing... lol
Im aloud to build a house.. LOL
I dont have gamemode... LOL
Your new name is Mary.
This could be a good idea, but if we do this, I think that we should do a prison map reset aswell, so the community is fair.
Yeah whats the reason.
Is their a message at the bottm of your screen once you get returned to the mineverse hub?