No support sorry. I think its too Op. Diamond armour guyz are enough for some peeps. Not looking at me.....
:lurk:Neutral Good idea, but then I think it would be a little hard on regulars. But seriously, good idea.
I dont like emoji.
I like emoji.
WAIT WHAT???? I PUT 25 AS MY AGE WHA???? Are you being sarcastic with lol best mod app. Part??? :OO No seriously i meant no offense. Is there...
Wait?? Why??
I likeemoj
Hah yeah thanks BTW i don't really feel like im raging. if i was i would use caps. But yeah ok thanks. Oh and i only found out about forums a...
I don't mean you i mean your eyes thats different.....
Really??? Your eyes suck. NO OFFENSE
The yellow is just highlighting important parts.
Is that support?? BTW love your profile pic.
I just want to say that since we are Australians, doesn't mean we aren't trustworthy.
How old are you? I'm 11 -I don't know what else to say here. Your in-game name: Paulgreenace , but I may make a new account. What timezone...
Hi. I am searching for mod on factions to start a trolling series. Ask me for more info.