HAHA lol...
Like a G-6. Or possibly 3-6......
1. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (that moment you're saved c/p emoji come in handy..) 2.I don't know... I put it there I guess... Sorry.. 3. No I'm not lying about...
Yeah, I'm 20. But ok, I don't really think I can be MORE active, I'm always looking for jobs. But yeah thanks.
Nein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein NeinNein Nein Nein
I lay creative usaully, but sometimes factions.
Really? Well ok thanks!
Viruses. Lots and lots of viruses. But yeah thanks!
this week I've been on holiday, and on my last application I admit I lied about my age with 25. But thanks for feedback! I will improve next time....
Thank you! :) Could you please give some reasons??
How old are you? I'm 20. :D Your in-game name: paulgreenace, but I may change it. If I do, I will post on the forums. What time zone are you in?...
Maybe a maximum of 20 mobs on plot???
I'm not sure, but I know a lot of peeps want this. MOB SPAWNS. When you took away mob spawns in creative, I was seriously disappointed. But I know...
My mum is Freddy Fazbear.
I know i was just saying how much i suck....
YEAH! that would be best, but 100 kills total. Not per game. I barely get 5 kills a game......
I am regualr..... @Dark
Just a thought, but in Infection, if you kill 10 Zombies as a human or 10 humans as zombiw you level up! Or maybe thats too fast to level up. IDK...