Why do you use a capital for every word
Ahh right, sounds pretty good then.
Thanks, and if it's worth anything I'll support, because I do see your point.
5$ isn't that much more than 1 or 2 dollars, and if you've already paid $250, what's $2 in comparison.
jeeesus, this is actually frickin amazing
Support, but how would it work exactly?
Support, work on aesthetics a bit, other than that, I'm all for it.
If a titan wanted to donate more, why not buy a rank for someone else?
Old facs was good, but we've only just had a reset and it'd be better to fix the bugs, like the barrier blocks, rather than resetting the entire map.
Neutral, pretty much everyone 'donates' for the perks of having a rank, not donating itself.
you know it ;)
Ayee ;3
Aw disc, love yaaa! I'll pm you my Skype <3
I'll just hide out in good ol England
But I promised <3
So what's your suggestion, having more 'chill' mods? How would you exactly enact that?
Support on everything but the kits, I find it more enjoyable without.