I reallyyy hope you get mod, support, hope you get promoted soon :p
Support, the filter is meant to make the server 'child-friendly', but the majority of people who play curse themselves, so unless you actually...
succumb to the peer pressure
feel the peer pressure
Support all the way
(( ( (((( ( ;
do et
( ( (( :
that's me ;)
: )
I think we all know I'm daddy
Happy bday
that is me and I look hot af
I "as s"ure you I will win
wym I'm his only father
Daryl's an admirable guy, especially considering his character development, regardless of your gender :P
oml same xD
I love Daryl, but Glenn was always my no. 1 ever since he said, "Hey you. Dumbass. Yeah you in the tank."