Have a follow... c:
My 'Mud' Crushes: Guys: @rachetclanks @Grayson @BlueberryWaffle Girls: @Pile_of_Butts @Glaadiator @MiningCreeper454
"I wish that I could be like the cool muds, cause all the cool muds they seem to fit in... I wish that I could be like the cool muds, like the...
Not in any order, but.. @Grayson @Pile_of_Butts @jarroyonaples @HipsterChick @Lola Perez
Welcome to the forums! ;)
Pls dun leave D;
Who are some of your closest friends/best friends?
:3 Like, ilysm.
BBy, I thought we had something here... We had plans. :( Even a future!!
No support, you are overall a rude person. I have seen you harassing others and it does not give off a 'Mod-like vibe", at all. Also, from what I...
This thread is bootiful shh
Blasting our conversation, like... yeah (yeah) :cp:
MIEN IS Nick Minaj, NIcki's barbie doll twin brother >;>
Pills N' Potions<3
We better stop before we get our posts deleted for off topic XDDD
*clucks* :chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken:
We're overdosin'