I'm skeptical, but alright :P Accepted. if you want, I can add you now...? Also, do you have Skype?
Yass ^.^
And me ? ;c
So, I made a new faction and I guess I can try to recruit members ..? I have a few rules and of course, a format . P.S I am currently in the...
Dis guy duz it guuud
blossumwarrior __Account__ Hacking [media]
Yas....indeed you are.
Here is what MPG does when no one is around... xD @MrParkourGuy [media] DAT SURPRISE ENDING O3O!!!! :hilarious::hilarious:
Nooi bae :((
I meant to add you<3
Support, bae :3
Haay bae ;3
In this order. 1. One way ticket to South Dakota 2. New set up 3. Spend over 100,000 shopping for clothes and shoes 4. Invest in the cancer...
Steeeeeeeeeee <3
Aww babeh c:
Since everyone else is doing a list... @Grayson @jarroyonaples @HipsterChick @Lola Perez @Firo3000 @pokemaniac01 @rachetclanks...
I dunno..
I do not think Staff do refunds, but I am not too sure. :P I'll tag some of the greatly informed ones. @Pile_of_Butts @Gwism
Hai long time no speak ;cc How come I'm not following you ? D;