Rachet , oh baebae . c:
Lez go
Wanna bet?
Do not apologise, Grayon. <3 You had a valid reason and I speak for everyone this , but we all respect your choices and still love you no matter...
Love ya .. (:
Bye JarroyOn***a , Imma miss you. :( I hope things get better with you and I hope you come back stronger than ever. Much love , Bai baebae <3
Im too kewl gor yur stoopid format . :p Mah nem is MrStealYourGirl Im old enough to be yo daddy I speak ghetto and chang chang I been on...
Thanks, lovelies. <3
Thank you.
Well then.. o_o
blossumwarrior TBJ2005 Hacking [media]
blossumwarrior SourPatchSpartan Hacking [media]
Bump, because I have edited my application and added a few things to it. :p
I almost fully support! Try to be more helpful on the forums and be a little bit more social with others around the forums. :) Other than that, I...
Wow, excellent application. You have my support, 100% :)
I still stand with my statement. Support. He may act differently in game, than he does on Skype? Plus, he is not like that all the time. Everyone...
In reality, he did not say "I do not support because you didn't support me. He just added that the person HATED on his application. You do not...
I support.
Accepted. :> Get on Factions, so I can invite you.
Please do. :P I'm getting on factions to invite you now. Then, I have to do chores. >_<