I dont even like monster but this is dumb, they're clearly legit.
maybe he just doesnt fake being nice like everyone else when they apply for mod, practically all the staff are toxic at some level.
Your ingame name: Everam The offender's exact ingame name: Moon_OAO A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Reach Evidence/full...
If he gets banned you can close this, if not this is a warning not to fight him. (bet he wont get banned though) [MEDIA]
support again for being the best pvper on mv
That is not past experience
theres a distinct difference between what I do and what he does, when I cheat its usually fly, timer, antikb. when he cheats its low level reach...
no, if you think im suitable for mod your iq must be below 10. and in all my clips i try my hardest to hit my opponent and my fov is on 65.
yea he uses the ping as an excuse, but hes far worse on practice servers
all those words and none of it matters, just look at the report i linked and realize what the problem is, you need to teach the mods what hacks...
that is reach to anyone except sando
but its reach, so he wouldnt get banned either way. For example: https://www.mineverse.com/threads/hacker-subtle-lack-of-evidence-sando.148917/
[MEDIA] Im not gonna bother reporting cuz they never ban for reach
ur a big meanie theres nothing she could have done about it
when you're still pretending to be nice but forgot they already demoted you
Your ingame name: MikeOW The offender's exact ingame name: Aspertaine A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hax Evidence/full...