I use a vpn on a daily basis, and I know its not something I would pay for (i got mine free), if you dont know vpns disconnect you then you dont...
vpns disconnect you when you turn it on or off, they require you to pass a security test upon joining a server, they require you to actually...
most people ban evade with vpns* i've never met someone who uses it for safety because its such an inconvenience
cuz me and porky cheat on alts with vpns
[IMG] theres like a 95% chance the ip wont match cuz he has more vpns than i have alts. so get noobcrew to ban him anyway cuz he can do that p...
namemc Everam, they're all me
Your combination of toxicity and constant hackusations of me lead me to believe you will false ban players for being good at pvp.
The mods are all lazy so none of these hackers got banned when i reported them. gg im gonna close all my reports after 5 hours cuz you should...
[MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] https://gyazo.com/ce9e41c7462e5a6b4423887963f228ff Tbh I'm done with the format, this is how all my reports are gonna...
The staff do Ip-ban repeat offenders, the issue is its incredibly easy for a hacker to get a new alt and change his ip or use a vpn. Your...
Ur silly to think i'd afk my alts on the same skin if it wasnt allowed.
Im changing to support because I've seen more of you ingame and noticed how helpful and nice you are. My previous rating was based on very little...
Your ingame name: Omidvar The offender's exact ingame name: grantukas A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Your ingame name: Zarcy The offender's exact ingame name: reinhaard A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/full...
Maybe reduce the cost to join to $250 for players who arent as good at pvp because they are unlikely to win a prize.
Your ingame name: Everam The offender's exact ingame name: _Wizow A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/full...
Your ingame name: Everam The offender's exact ingame name: DuffanV2 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking Evidence/full...
Your ingame name: Aleveran The offender's exact ingame name: ClownMoMoTim, AsianForDays and Zeqd A description of what rule they broke/how they...
This is how Ghost_Linxs got 311k. [MEDIA] Every time the server restarts or the alts get kicked they automatically rejoin, the only way I can...