u want me to do that all before i die? i have 1 hart!
no its bugged u cant eat or move
/pv 1 does not work and all i need is a tp to spawn! i dont wanne die cause nobody can refund! heeeelp my new enemie is a tree!
i dont come on the server 2 days on OPpvp and i am stuck in a tree what?! i wanne ask for a tp to spawn i have 2 and a half harts left i have my...
lol its you again its like you are stalking me get out of here or my koala attacks u
How old are you?: I am currently 15 yesterday it was my birthday <3 Your in-game name: Achterklap What timezone are you in?: My timezone is CET...
i was joking i was bored i have the vedio of the hackers but cant upload it to Youtube can u help me?
http://gyazo.com/d8f133459443415fcb187d501c32de0c http://gyazo.com/1b302bc6e4f73f7acc2b9c1f76e9971e I god damn waited 1 hour for this to upload...
i dont know who i am or what i want but i LIKE TURTLES (and koalas)
HEY hes advertising!!!!! http://gyazo.com/508a1a3f4a8b7a29f1a26e01b18a6915
god damnit i clicked post thread owel wait an hour the vedio is uploading on YOUTUBE!! jeez
Here are those hackers with kill aura and antiknockback xD #EZBAN!! i cant write down there name cause i am lazy but u will see xD:
alright i am trying to upload the vedio on youtube its gonne take an hour
IDK what is the POINT?! O_o
the damn point is that the server crashed euhm let me see... 1 2 3 ...3 TIMES!! whilst i was pvping and it said i combat logged HERE HAVE MORE...
ill fight you boy
here HERE! take a damn look for the 3th time!! 3TH TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! badlerner know what it is!! OMFG THOSE ARE KOALAS YES!!! SCROLL DOWN!...
well i mean i still have the vedio xD but i cant post anything on Youtube for a reason
but pile of buts saw it i cant upload any vedios anymore on ytube and it deltedet that vedio