- Good at using rods - pretty good with rods. - Good in pvp - decent at pvp - Skype & Teamspeak - have both :) - Age - 13 - Ingame name - Verbaliv...
What's your ign, I'm on
Ign: Verbalic Skype: Yus Good Sportmanship: Yus Age: 13 Decent PvP Skills?: Really good in the PvP department Backgroud Info: I spend most of my...
Support I feel ya
Guys it's just Minecraft, take it down a notch ._.
I mean there could've been a nicer way stateing that man. Nothing against you personally
That's not very nice
My bad then...
Scorvix on that banning grind :D
Omg... How did you not know You're a mod xD
my ign: Verbalic The Great offender's ign: Keenan009, ChrisHD, and NothingICD rule broken: hacking evidence: [MEDIA]
well agreed
3rd KitPvP Episode :D
Someone put this in lock please because I don't have faith in myself for reaching mod atm and people just come here to hate on me
like get rid of the non necessary stuff
Working on a HUGE hacker montage, so watch out hackers :)