In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: WylieCoyote11 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Disrespected a member of staff. Proof/evidence:
This application sucks I support, good luck :)
Good luck :)
Yay :D thanks
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: bananaman11223 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Spammed their warp (even more then I...
I was on 2 minutes ago after I left parkour.
No, just... no.
I don't think you can buy a cow spawner, but I could be wrong. If this is the case, contact the owner/administrator for help. Also, you can reach...
Please stop spamming this application. If you want to share something with Kuba that has nothing to do with his application, put it on his profile.
I saw in another thread that he quit the server so he probably will never see this.
Hey Changeh, how are you?
Not only that, but people will mistake them for staff.