Good luck.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: lsbminecraft Rule they broke/how they broke it: Used bad language. Proof/evidence:
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: Paigeandjasworld Rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertised the IP of multiple servers....
In game name: cade1221 Person you love: MrBeefCak3 (@Grayson) Why: He is nice, warm hearted, outgoing, and he's a brother.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: legomyego529 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Attempted to scam. Proof/evidence:
NUUUUUU! I forgot Friends!!
How are you?
Oh, I get it now.. thanks for clarifying :)
Maybe you should put that in the app whether than the comments :3
That may be your computer, not Mineverse. If this is the case, ask @Daddy for help.
Oh my god, that's amazing.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: ArtursD, tylerrigdon, will989, ERiax. Rule they broke/how they broke it: Continued to use...
Nice speaking with you in Skyblock!
Oh, I didn't realize it, but you're right :o
He continued to say inappropriate things after this screenshot was taken.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: C_Atiles2728 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Used very inappropriate language. Proof/evidence:
Why are you not following me? I'm hurt ;-;