Well, since you asked for me to point out your spelling mistakes, here they are. Helpfull - Helpful Patiant - Patient Respectfull - Respectful...
This is something to ask me on my profile/in a conversation, not in a report.
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: lollypickaxe Rule they broke/how they broke it: Spammed the chat. Proof/evidence:
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: grant2911 Rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertised a spawn trap warp. Proof/evidence: [media]
The 'edit' button below the application! :)
No problem :)
Keep adding onto it :) Good luck, Raymond!
Nah, you just misread his comment :)
I'm not a mod, haha, but thanks!
All you have to do is press the 'edit' button below to fix the mistakes :)
Hey Raymond! I would support, but there isn't nearly enough information in the question "Why do you think you should become a moderator?"...
Okay.. lol. I'm his friend too :3
Welcome! If you need any help/have any questions, ask me or a member of staff!
In game name: cade1221 Offender's in game name: Floridagreg Rule they broke/how they broke it: They attempted to scam people. Proof/evidence:
Age doesn't matter, @MrParkourGuy just barely turned 12. Good luck.
As I said before, try posting it in the comments, not the thread. Remember to post it as a thumbnail.
The only thing that I can think of is don't put the full image, only the thumbnail..
Yeah, a big thanks to everyone! Thank you all for making Mineverse the best is can be <3
--Sorry for posting-- They need proof. If the screenshot won't upload to the thread, post it in a comment. :)