How old are you?13 Your in-game name: jerry1281 What timezone are you in? What country do you live in?austrila What languages do you speak?...
ign jerry1281 and daddy should get banned or i should get my gapple back and i dont know how to post a vid on forums
Your ingame name:jerry1281 The offender's ingame name:pikachu62628 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:diamond sword...
f**k up 12y
no but i have someone with proof u f**king 12y
and tpahere spamming
mili20 is tpa traping and hacking i lost 2 sets of armour to the fag
no why dont u all just shut up misspvp is awsome and she dose not hack she is just a BOSS so do not ban her
Brendan do u want me to accept
Ok it's a unclaimed base no sings that there a base there and none of my fac members new about my vaultvault
I can show the X-ray holes
i am sick of my base getting xrayed
That I was b
Of my rank
I can't go to b
I got MVP an I lost my rank
i got de ranked when i got mvp i was b