Hi, I wanted to suggest something to the Mineverse community and it might be very effective or it might just be a stupid idea. I have an idea to...
Hello, this is Skpye. I've been playing mineverse for many years now, and there has never been the command ./nick.If you don't know what( /nick)...
It is currently Jan 8th, 2021 at 10:23 AM est time and mineverse keeps saying ReadTimeot: null and not letting me join the server. This isn't just...
The separation of power on mine verse kitpvp is at its peak! The two raging cults battle each other.. clans must be added to kitpvp ASAP! They...
Hey yall, this is Skpye there is a very bad bug on mineverse. You cannot access any of the servers and the commands ./kitpvp ./op ./survival and...
Hello my name is Skpye and I have been playing on mineverse since the stone ages (2014) and I have seen a major decline in the player base over...