My IGN: MintGreen indyjones2012 was seen with kill aura. [MEDIA]
My IGN: MintGreen MsTlag was caught with kill aura. In the video, I couldn't even hit the person once before his aura killed me. [MEDIA]
My IGN: MintGreen This kid F00TFETISH has been hacking with the aura. I've gotten him to finally show out his hacks. He never stopped and called...
I am thethingwastaken. xItsDerp is cursing again. Geez, this is getting annoying. Also, he said "good luck getting me baned b***h", so we'll see...
I am thethingwastaken. xItsDerp has cursed again. As seen in the image, he has bypassed the filter again by using "fcking" as it is not...
I am thethingwastaken. This poor man, xItsDerp, has cursed again. By the way, as seen in the Title, he is bypassing the chat filter.[ATTACH]
I'm thethingwastaken. This poor man, xItsDerp, has cursed on GTA. He said that he's quitting, so I guess he didn't care if he cursed.[ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I am thethingwastaken. I got scammed 4 gunpowders, 64 levers, 4...
Reporting: procreeeper IGN: xXDaGamerBoyXx Reason: ddos threat towards bottom of chat [ATTACH]
IGN: xXDaGamerBoyXx Reason: scammed 2 torches Player: AlphaDestroyer I couldn't post the video here so below is the link to the video. Also, I...
username-thethingwastaken I am reporting GravityPlanet He scammed me for $2000 on GTA, and never gave me a torch. [ATTACH]