IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: Bonohkz Offense: Making irl trade offers [ATTACH]
My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: bartvw Offense: Threatening to hack my account[ATTACH]
My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: xXSatanLifeXx Offense: IRL death threat Notice that he admitted to being banned 3 times before for death...
My IGN: MeetTheReaper Offender: frankien9 Offense: Speed and aura [MEDIA]
My IGN: MeetTheReaper Offender: Uhn Offense: Speed and aura [MEDIA]
My IGN" MeetTheReaper[ATTACH] Offender: edmcmanwich Offense: ban evading
My IGN: MeetTheReaper Offender: DDanTTe Offense: Speed and aura [MEDIA]
My IGN: MeetTheReaper (new name from thethingwastaken) Offender: iTzPandaHero Offense: Threatened that I will "get ddos for 1 year" (lol, I'd like...
My IGN: thethingwastaken Reporting: kfir47 and idanidan8 Offense: They both own wither skeleton skulls and barriers, which are hacked out of...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] My IGN thethingwastaken Reporting Tesability Reason spam advertising I think he's still doing it
My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: TheRealNinja100 Reason: Illegal trade offer (offering an account) Before you do anything, just know that when I...
Before I start, I'd like to say that I don't really care if I'm punished for what I say here. Personally, I think many of the mods who will nag...
[ATTACH] My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: kenyonag Reason: spam
My IGN: thethingwastaken Offender: Destroyer1121 Reason: Avoiding chat filter and using inappropriate words
My IGN: thethingwastaken Reporting: charlieondago Reason: Scam [MEDIA]
my IGN: CodeRoyal Offenders IGNs: iShadowZ and ItsStealth_ Offense: Both people have fastplace... (I think).... not sure. Check it out. ----->...
My IGN: MintGreen Offender's IGN: ZOOM_DUR Reason: Death wish [ATTACH]
I'm MintGreen and I am reporting on behalf of NoHacksJustApex since his account isn't working. Reporting BlitzTiger for apparently scamming...
I am MintGreen. The name above made death wishes to "drink bleach" etc. So reason: Death Wishes Reporting: Fluffy_Orbz[ATTACH]