what r u talking ab ?? white goes with everything i thought ???
wym wouldn’t happen
this rlly needs to be added
bumping this again because it’s really easy and a lot of people supported this
pastel is a crackhead
arE yOU foR REAL ¿?
that’s what i said
can some mod look at this? this isn’t really a suggestion because it’s a thread on how to literally fix factions
bump i want this because so many oldies would come back
bump i really want this
no change it to i_am_fake_youtuber Frxn
i wanna say do me but there is so many things to make fun of anyway do me
super confused now. if you do it why are you trying to remove it ..?
that is a question for the fbi
50 hours for a game is noTHING. i farm mineplex like a pro my guy anyway for your application i wish you the best of luck because i didn’t...
ye that’s tru. besides what titan is gonna type out /heal [name] while having a 1v1?
ok this still happens but with the timer it would be easier to pick it up even with those who are with a kb stick