My In game name : Bat_of_Steel_14 The hackers: TeeXu and JodenKnaller and pentirei hacks: fl, antiknockback, and kill aura Footage: [MEDIA] -...
Mod Application In Game Name Bat_of_Steel_14 Timezone Pacific Time Zone Country U.S Languages English and Spanish Recording Software Quicktime...
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Would you guys prefer new kits or return the old kits? I want new fun kits! vote | | \/
I know, but like for a zombie kit
Or new Infection kits!
Bring Infection kits back!
Thought it would be funny! lol
Support, instead you can do /hub or /lobby but I still like the idea!
Rabbit/Bunny Kit White leather armor -Protection 3 Jump boost 1 or 2 Carrot with fire aspect and sharp 2 Coco Beans- Named Rabbit poo, has sharp 5
Troll Kit Contains -1 egg -cobwebs -fireworks -dead bush with sharp 7 or 8 - pink leather armor with protection 2 Prestige 5 or higher to unlock kit
That's a great idea!
Make a Youtube Rank! it would be cool!
Good luck! I am also applying lol!
Make a remix out of that lol
I know, they are strong but not that strong, they one shot me, when I get egged :(
When are kits coming back to infection? or are they gone for ever?
Do you remember the old nuketown map with the rainbow?