I mean for KitPvP, but if other servers such as prison or OP PvP need it, then the /bal [username] would be ideal there :)
Greetings, My suggestion is that the /balance command should me made to show the highest balances in order of amounts on a server-wide scale, and...
I'd suggest researching the plugin and it may possibly give you the names should it be a non-custom GTA plugin.
This is most likely a bug that someone needs to fix, just tag Cypriot here or possibly the developer, they could help the most ;)
The best thing to do here is ask one of our wonderful Admins for assistance here. You should also ask your friend to be mindful of changing your...
Welcome :)
Been sick all week, feeling like living on my computer at the moment aha :P
Hello, As far as I am aware, crew and cyp do not receive tag notifications, but the best we can do to solve this issue is to wait it out as the...
Ah, thanks :P
The map was rolled back, players kept their items as far as observation goes ;)
Greetings all, As many of you may be aware, the structure known as Tower or Castle in KitPvP is now gone. I simply move to add it back in as soon...
Around what time did this happen? and if you could provide the time and date I may be able to come to you with a resolution/reply ;)
Server is down again
I can't help but admire this application. The sheer detail and your way with words makes you come across as though you know what your talking...
I think that this application needs more detail and some revising in some areas. You must include more detail and consider what Consensus...
Mineverse is down D: icri
If needed I can make a better and simpler tutorial and send you it via inbox ;)
Here's an easy way to do it. There's a little button that looks like a paper clip. Type (click here) or select any word and highlight it. Then...