You know what I mean, stop acting dumb. If you have nothing nice to say than don't say it and don't get anymore off topic Im ending this...
Thank you for apply @zHydraPvPKing, me and Zed will think about it, at the mean time, please stay tight. ( I think you will make it in 90%, I'll...
@Jewlio stop trolling ffs -.-
You will have to apply
Badri can smd that ez *****!
Hey Zed (ImToggle)! Im so sorry to hear about this, I really hope you feel better, then we can rekt more people on oppvp together! <3 :) Get...
Lol xD, I wonder why your in the clan then Fatty?
I got VIP! yayyy! :)
See? he said "ur so guliable" I searched up what guliable meant, and it means cheatable/usable -.- this isn't enough evidence to ban this fgt?
Ik, I told Zed to delete that but he had to go. He told me he would do it later. And no Fat Girl -.- You just joined the clan, so rude xD :p lel
@God_of_Speed_ (TeddyBearFTW), @NinjaPanda, and Wainel_, Sorry but after some thinking me and Zed have decided to kick you out the clan, And Now...
-.- Welcome to the clan Fxded (FATTY)!
"fatty"? -.-
Thank you both for appying me and Zed will decide whether your in or out, We will get back at you soon, Thank you.
I was talking about Dill, Not HowDoIPvp, so stfu RETARD.
So NitrogenXenon wanted help on his plot, he made one example and told me to make 4 more of those roads that he made for his plot. He said I would...
Exeos, You know Dill dosen't hack. I watched it, he hit then gapped. -.- nice try.
IK. xD