1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: cookie_man_64 3 Rule Broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: PepeJoran 3 Rule broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: StangDang 3 Rule broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: lRage 3 Rule broken: hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
ps. the hacker was around 0:20 in the vid
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: Ivoooo 3 Rule broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof:[MEDIA]
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2. Offenders ign: potatoheadftw 3. Rule broken: Spamming and Advertising 4 Evidence/Proof:...
1. VirtualBones 2. HypersMC 3. Spamming and advertising 4....
crossed 100 messages yayyyYYYYYYYyyyyY! Celebration time cmon!!! :D
... the link doesn't work RIP :'( msg for the mods, just try copying and pasting the link onto a new google search, ty for reading!
1. VirtualBones 2. SorfishTrombone 3. Spamming 4. file:///C:/Users/Brand/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots/2016-08-26_15.14.01.png ps. Im a...
My ign: [VIP] VirtualBones Offenders ign: [VIP] xWolfehhh Rule broken: Advertising Evidence:...
1. Oppvp 2. Forums 3. Creative
smh, just apply Rastas, I think you would be a cool and good member to the team!:)
gl with the clan @yeahsquirrel !!! :D <3
gl with the clan
yep XD
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/fix-op-pvp.100447/#post-1016796 <--- GO SUPPORT! this is much needed! :D