Support, also think that OP Pvp needs a reset to :p
My new clan! Yippe! Lets see what the future is awaiting! :)
Welcome to Clan Faded Recruitment page! Quick Note: Before applying please don't get your hopes up to high, you might get denied so be ready but...
just pointing out that Abi dosen't meet 2 of the requirements which is 1. She isn't 12, she is 11 :P and 4. Good at pvp? ..... I don't think I...
1 My ign: VirtualBones (MVP) 2 Offenders ign: derpinqflame (Titan) :ooo 3 Rule broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
GG oml Im in shock, gg on mod Walid my bby <3 Gratzzzz :) IM SO EXITED OMG. IM GOIN CRAZY :D gg Walid :) xD <3
@Bexrs GG on Mod <33 u deserve it bby :D :) <33333
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: gaybutt 3 Rule Broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
Neutral, leaning toward support bc you are very nice and helpful and active and has done many reports but tbh, as a friend, you are a lil immature...
YAY! MVP now! :DDD
dw, Im so salty rn XD
@CypriotMerks thanks for the awesome 1v1, (when you killed me 1 shot with a power 1000 bow) gg! You're a great "1v1er" Cyp! <333 xD
ty, much luve <3
I'll try my best not to get banned again :D xD and ty.
Lol. Got unbanned on kitpvp after a month and get $700, 15 gold, 3 dia sets, and 3 dia swords, and pots from all just voting, happy dayz :D
tytytytytytyttyy :D
Elder member! :D
1 My ign: VirtualBones 2 Offenders ign: CowSex 3 Rule Broken: Hacking 4 Evidence/Proof: [MEDIA]
file:///C:/Users/Brand/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/screenshots/2016-09-01_16.19.43.png I have a fannnn!!! :D xD