No, because he is one if my best friends on MV and me and Fxded agreed on it and didn't disapprove. But me and Fxded also approve on you becoming...
Good luck ;) ...
Fxded has rejoined the clan :D as Co-Owner
Accepted, Welcome to the clan please pm me your skype so I can add you to the chat.
Denied, sorry
ty for your app, we will decide whether your in or out. Talk l8er.
Thank you for your app, me and the clan will decide whether your in or out. We will get back at u l8er ;)
1. Laithothebeast denied sorry 2. Bye Fxded 3. Both accepted, Welcome to the clan, please pm me your skype so I can add you to the clan chat.
Thanks your the app, me and the clan will decide whether we should accept you or not.
Apply then, I'm sure the clan would love to have u, I personally would like to have you apart of the team. :p :D
Sorry for the late reply. Accepted, Welcome to Faded, Please pm me your skype so I can add you to the chat. Denied Sorry.
1. My ign: VirtualBones 2. Offenders ign: RoastedAura_ 3. Rule broken: has Labymod 4. Evidence: [ATTACH]
changing to support :D <3
No support. Reasons stated above and I don't remember EVER seeing your ign. You should be more active on forums and in game, Good Luck m8.
Welcome @Jennifer castile (Plushly), You will have to apply for Admin :P I will add you to the skype chat now.
Accepted, Always good to have Arabic Bears by your side in a clan war right? xD ;) Welcome to the clan Walid! :)
RIP ok sorry iDezired
Accepted Welcome to the clan
Accepted, Welcome to the clan Swift my good friend :D