@PandaBear__ Oops sorry :P, edited.
What she said :D
I don't like soup pvp :/, I don't want to say any of my opinions, just because I will get hate from some people, but I just don't like it.
Dang, how did you learn? I am trying but I can't seem to understand D:.
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: SharkWill465 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Rapid fire...
Thank you.
Bump, is it mcprohosting that hosts mineverse?
No I mean, who hosts it? McProhosting? Or anyone else? Thank you, do you know who hosts it? Like Mcprohosting?
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows who hosts Mineverse, I get all most no lag on it, it's amazing. Also if anyone knows, what's the location?...
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: dzvercho A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Rapid fire hack...
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: SwaggieMelon1 | CaptainLolze A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: Rayanator1127 | RedTekk11 | lightstrx A description of what rule they broke/how they...
When are you doing the project? I can't find you on creative.
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: [OP] zombie_king100, The_King1010 and 1234destroyer | [KitPvP] gamer_crasher and...
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: [KitPvP] gamer_crasher and Jaceking1 | [OP PVP] The_King1010 and 1234destroyer. A...
Your ingame name: blueprint4 The offender's ingame name: guigui6475 | DeGamingMitchell A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Sounds good, thanks. I'm on creative, is you username D1amondF1nder11?
Hello brazil2170, if i'm correct, to be a active member, you need to be on the forums for a specific amount of time, or you just need to be active...