I think it would be OK if there were a cooldown on the heal, so they can't just spam it and stay at 10 hearts, I'm not sure if there is or not,...
Good luck buddy, just don't abuse the /heal command if you get it :P
Awesome Amigo! Yeah, depending on whether or not you're getting dossed, or ddosed I may even be able to help you retrace their i.p, and even get a...
Hello Magiicx_, I have absolutely no idea who you are but if you're getting hit by some teenager that just found a new tool from the internet that...
@DjRyan, the key word here is 'Donation'. You are donating towards the server and as a reward for doing so, you are given a few perks BUT that...
Indeed it does. :-(
Ok, so if this is becoming a real problem for you then you're going to need to do a few things to prevent it, and it can be prevented, no need to...
You're not the only one sebiathan.. trust me
I don't believe crew was aware the full extent of the command when it was added, and it seriously needs to be re-considered. If people are abusing...
Indeed, it's quite unfair.
Now, don't get me wrong guys, I'm not asking for /heal to be removed completely.. Just the option to heal other players, as it no longer becomes...
@Firo3000 Yes, it is a command from the rank, and that's exactly why I've made this thread about REMOVING it. Although, yes I understand you've...
@jadey64, Although they may have donated, that doesn't mean they should receive unfair commands such as the ability to /heal other players. But...
A number of Titans I have fought have used /heal vFlexy to deliberately remove my potion effects whilst fighting them which usually ends up in me...
Are you 100% sure? I'm pretty certain myself that it's in the US, somewhere around the L.A area.
Ok, just did a bit of dodgy searching and I'm pretty sure it's located near L.A, if you can correct me on this, please don't hesitate to do so.
Hello, just wondering if anyone knew where the server was located so I can use a program to decrease my ping and therefore better my connection,...
Cheers mate.