What do you think I did when I started to wither farm? 75 nether stars being held by one person is out of control. If he gives it to some dupers,...
lmao, I put it on public thread because I want this to be patched.
Okay, so last week, I got 13 of my nether stars deleted. Later this week, this kid has 75 nether stars. I thought withers are patched in Survival,...
• IGN: Ferninator_12 • Age: 16 • Skills: I'm all around, I can do redstone objects (Not to Advanced) I can build some decent houses, or even...
Thanks ;)
Survival RESET PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!1111!111
Hello, I am really suggesting a Survival Reset, a lot of people have. We know that the staff is working hard on other mini games, but a lot of...
I remember the old days of 2013 Mineverse, it was so, alive there were tons of players playing and the forums constantly had new threads every...
Now dat's da-r00d
Eh, after being gone for a long time, I went on the forums and there are hardly any posts, makes me sad to see the server so lonely :( I didn't...
Everyone has a cookie? Well, I'll give the poster a random agree rating for no reason at all.
You forgot to add me on the list :p Can't blame you because I am hardly ever on KitPvP.
No support, absolutely 0% Support sorry try harder next time... but just because you have a sick headset, support mate. :) Please don't hate.
Please, anyone?
Hi everyone, I am just saying, I know it's not for free, but I would appreciate God rank :) I will give the following: $1,000,000 Million on...
Hi everyone! I made an island full of Christmas! This is on Survival, and I put special presents for all my friends, if you want to be granted a...
Thanks N1NJA :)
The normal ones do, :) But the Elder Guardians don't respawn :(
I will :)
Ik, lol I just don't want him biting my head off xD