I think splash pots are there to help People who cannot heal them self quickly, everyone can use them so NO Support
Hi @Skrown, I think the /shop could be a great suggestion to remove the signs but not for building cause that would remove rare blocs
Hi toad, I have difficulties to explain that but you cannot store or drop or anything else when your building the plot, only placing but yeah it...
Thanks to everyone, we will work on that
Its difficult to fit the Old build version of this prebuilt map :*( but i tried the most i can. and thanks for the reply
IGN/Team Name: SM0GX, Little_Dyno, Skpye. Map Name: OP PVP Spawn Gamemode for Map: OP PVP Description of Map: After talking to alot of people,...
Ok thanks for the reply
I would like to know why
Did you read what I said lol ?
I think i was not clear. So when people tp to your plot there's a spawn section, before jumping in pvp, After that people built there plot, it...
@Toad @dreaq How could rare could be gone, you cannot drop items when your building your plot in creative ?
I remeber that map with the big subway on it but i don't have any other informations lol
Hi everyone, me and some friend think that would be a great idea to add a plot features to kitpvp and to op pvp. I know that some servers already...
Glitched or not glitched, horses are in my opinion useless. Support
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SM0GX The offender's exact ingame name: KissMyBum A...
I would love to play a prison on mineverse
Hey I love to see that crew listen to his community ❤️
That’s exactly all I wanted on kitpvp too with my suggestion ! MEGA GIGA BIG SUPPORT !!!!
Wdym ?
No problem