Pretty good
I think it's important to encourage people for their good work ! No problem buddy you deserve it
Hey Rent how are you
I think they sould remove axes and xp bottes :)
Ca va très bien merci je suis fatigué aussi alors au lieux d'écouter mon professeur, je navigue sur le forum @sabrina
I am ?
Hi guy's, i just wanted to give a big thumb up to my boy @Toad that is working actively on the forum for now couple week's as i can see. Keep up...
Comment vas-tu sabrina ajourd'hui
Thank you guys for the reply ! As i said above, the anti-cheat is not bad, just need more time to upgrade the parameters.
Salut sabrina ca va ?
Exactly what i meant to say !
How's that possible ?
Thank you guys <3
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SM0GX The offender's exact ingame name: Woleebee A...
Thank to both of you <3
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: SM0GX The offender's exact ingame name: ISellWeedIrl A...
After letting you appologize, he changed his message so thank you jonkeh