Byeeee bran you were the first God I knew
Girls' soccer training tonight huehue
Hey! :D
Hia Cris <3
Bby I will call you babe from now on k? If you say no its a yes if you say its a yes, then its a yes
Bae you go on Kohi?
@Skydiver27 what did I do? ;-;
I want the D
Hi derr I hope you know who I am ;-;
lel matt10chr whats the point in making this thread if you're just arguing?
Can you guys just stop? Its a game, matt you killed McNerd get over it
Can you change your name or naw?
You killed someone k gratz
OMG YOU LOVE MOKU YOU GAVE HIM A <3 jk ily bae I is no lesbo <3
Ew beeeeen
Sorry I might have to forfeit I have a girls basket ball match ;-; kthxbai
btw what time will it start on GMT time?