Dude why are you lying i never said anything about you plus I don't know you so, why are you acusing me of things I never said before.
sorry i mess up a lot on this i dont know to how to delete thread
Sorry every body I mess up here I will make new one again next week moderators you can delete this thread.
Dude its my brother rator. He join to comment me we are not a bad family we are supportive.yeah its my brother If you guys didn't know I'm honest....
Thank you for some advice
Hey, everybody :)
Can it be like this or no?This took me a while.Oh yeah its a different section if the colors are different hint.
Wow thanks man your so, nice I hope you have a good life gold luck
Don't make me give evidence Im been through a lot already
What about you just give the kid a warning If you see him please tell him to stop thanks.When we play we tell him nicely to leave he denies and...
seriously can you just ban that kid for reals Im tell the truth I dont have good recording and plus If I screen shot It wont even show him...
I would like to tell all staff members that there is a player name Imbatman27 .He seems to keep setting home at my friends island and keeps...
I just want to say that the server needs more active staff for one reason is that theres a lot of crazy things going on like hackers.You need...
Really why am i ban from prison first of all i never knew about no building at tree farm so why ban me when i didnt even know about this rule.The...