Hits faster then usual. Looking up while hitting me.
Your ingame name: Mr_zDerpz The offender's ingame name: Mikicro111 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
I had a knockback 10 and he took no knockback. Obvious hacks. Also, he was auto armor and gaping at the same time. 0:59 auto armor + gaping hacks...
Your ingame name: Mr_zDerpz The offender's ingame name: bob123096864 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking ff, anti...
99.99% Support! Fix your intro mistakes for full support! Otherwise, Good app
She is hitting me through blocks obviously. I"ll get more evidence if not enough.
1. Ign: xGamerBoyzx 2. Offenders Ign: Cocorocks_123 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Coco hacking, Hitting me through...
Its up :)
Dude, there wasn't 400 players on opprison. Lel
It won't work for me too
Ign: xGamerBoyzx | Offender/Rule broken: FreshTuborg hacking / Spider Proof: [media]
I'll support if you help a lot more people online :P
Add more detail Then I Support!
Support!! <3
Your In game name: xGamerBoyz | Offenders name: gottrock | A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was just playing , pvping...
Again, i told a mod to help me and now he left the game. I really want to be unbanned.The ban glitch is anoying ,_, ✐
no, i'm still banned... doesn't change time
Nope, still tempbanned for 2 days it doesn't change ?