1: ign: Spexulations 2: Offenders Ign: ZeSttp 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: hacking ff/anti knockback 4: Evidence/ScreenShots:...
1: Ign: Spexulations 2: Offender's ign: smallfrie1234 3: a description of how/what rule they broke: hacking kill aura/ff | fly | antiknockback,...
Yep, needs a restart. A lot of lag and fps lag.
1. ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders ign: Pieguysworld 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: hacking antikb/ff 4: Evidence/ScreenShots: [MEDIA]
You're not very active. Not very helpful when people ask. 70% support. Good app though. Gl!
1. Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2. Offenders ign: FamousUnknown 3. a description of what rule/how they broke it: hacking ff 4. Evidence/ScreenShots: [MEDIA]
1: Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders Ign: Dr4gonLuis 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: Dr4gonLuis hacking ff / anti knockback 4:...
1: Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders Ign: Cum_craft 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: Cum_craft hacking ff / anti knockback 4:...
1: ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: offenders ign: ThePseudoCode 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: ThePseudoCode hacking ff/anti knockback 4:...
1. Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders Ign: buckyboiii 3: a description of what rule/how they broke it: buckyboiii hacking ff 4: Evidence/ScreenShots: [MEDIA]
1: Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders ign: AlbinMa 3: a description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: AlbinMa hacking ff/Anti knockback. 4:...
1: ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders ign: 420PenisPumper 3: description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking, toggling ff, hacking on...
1: ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: OFfenders ign: bj0902 3: a description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: bj0902 hacking toggling ff 4:...
1. Ign: zUnKnOwNz 2: Offenders Ign: hangman787 3: a description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking threats and swearing to me...
1: Ign: AzianPvP 2: The Offenders Ign: NKG_NsAnEz 3: A description of what rule/how they broke it: NKG_NsAnEz hacking ff/anti knockback 4:...
I recommend you watch the whole thing closely. He's toggling.
1. Ign: AzianPvP 2. Offenders Ign: zRekt 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking ff toggling 4: Evidence/ScreenShots:...
1: Ign: AzianPvP 2: Offenders Ign: BlackKnight6225 3: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Ff with anti knockback 4:...
Watch the whole thing before you say anything
1: Ign: AzianPvP 2: Offenders name: twin_niz 3: A desciption of what rule they broke/how: twin_niz hacking with ff, twin_niz has been accused of...