Hope u win it all :)
You realise ur getting more money then u should at the moment with that 10k for 27 iron
I'm so lucky :/
okay thx
I went on Kitpvp and it said I voted and I won kit commander I tried to do kit elite but it didn't work Pls fix this
Okay THIS Guy was advertising his warp and I went to it and lost a full inv ofsnow and my best sword
Sorry the screenshots didn't load here:
Kai9089 was shouting out his warp but in reality it was a death trap
This guy was spamming really annoying
sti realy scard
stil realy scared
Im stillreallyscared
I was on mineverse factions and when I was pvping UncleUrnesto did unspeakable. He copied my body! I was unsure until I thought of!I got really...
omg to on skyblock pls fix noobcrew
banned for being something something Inked cat
I keep trying to get on atm but I cannot is it down or is it just my computer? But for reading this here:[IMG] You get to look at this duck lap...
banned for thinking that I stole your idea but you really just said that so you could post something
banned for being a cat
I knew awkraddinosaurz ;c