They probably used a command to disable gang deaths or something??
dont edit my post .-.
if he gets mod.. im cutting
lol no, like hell aint nobody subbing to you
No, Amerinide keeps it Auto sniper c: We have 3 people from the gang who have it
Nah I like the delay and the combat logger
Sure ;)
Anyone want to challenge my gang to a gun fight? Amerinide vs. ????????
Thank you kind sir :^)
Pssh gta is way more fun xD
add a interval to teleportation please
gawd, i was jerkin, den when i c ur intro, it mad3 it shrink :(
Are servers being ddosed again..?
This build looks like the stuff that came out of my a-s.
Already in big boyy ;)
If this gets removed.. its going to make it nearly impossible to kill someone who has an inventory full of pearls. I suggest a 5 second cool down...
sure why not