How old are you? tensions is 15 year old Your in-game name: tensions What timezone are you in? pacific What country do you live in? UNITED STATES...
Neutral.. Even though we are close friends, and even though I love you so much, that's why I won the competition for you... and now you have titan...
Its quite fast if you set a macro to spam commands :P
or they can spam a command ;p
If you lag out, you would most likely die. This new rule is to stop people from logging during combat, either by spamming out or auto disconnect.
The people saying it's a dumb rule, let me tell you, it's not. If you were to lag out during pvp combat, you'd die with your gear unless no one...
they're bunch of nubs, they like servers that are pay2win ;c
reii myssterio
im happy for you elrak, just cuz you said that, i want to cum out to ;-)
You can add unbreaking to your armor by enchanting books, and its not hard to get god armor from the vote crates.
Your telling someone who has Titan.. while you're at God?
Keep in mind, you donated, and the ranks were basically given to you to show appreciation. Think of it as that.
Armor can't be three shotted.. lol. It took you like to 20 minutes just to get my armor down to 100 durability for my chestplate. Even with your...