I'm surprised you're not banned for targeting him yet.
Glaad, ninja, djryan, kings & GuyLover all got banned.
Why did pvpkings get banned?
4 people just got banned for what? Posting on a thread...
Kings ^
Ily #Rejected.
xD, They didn't even read what I said about kit edit.
I've downgraded back to my windows 7.
I won't even use unbreaking lel I'm a bad@$$ And don't lmfao
Read this ffs.
. A G E N T W I F I S M E L L S L I K E F I S H Figure that out I'll give you a cookie. c;
Welcome to hell. Jk Welcome to the forums.
No support, You Hack, Scam, Lie, Don't know what a damn timezone is, nor can you do Detail enough after being told 5+times, advertised this also...
Kits idea if delay added. /kit starter: Prot 5 Unb3. /kit Premium: same as ^ /kit Sponsor: Prot 6 unb3. /kit MVP: Prot 7 Unb3. /kit Elite:...
CyberGhost makes you wait for over 1.5k spots to go, I recommend using betternet and cyberghost same time 3 different IP's in case one gets took...
I'll try both thanks.
Okay, also if it isn't that great for my liking what else would you recommend ?
I have a GTX Graphics card 610 I guess it works :p
I'll try Mirillis Action and Shadowplay, I'm also looking for a "free" one atm.
Fraps took 300 minutes to upload a 20 min pvp episode so I scrapped it.