IGN- Speculations Offenders IGN- Bj0902 Caught him hacking wiith Kill aura. Proof: [media]
IGN- Speculations Offenders IGN-Mcproster He scammed me awhile ago just didn't have the time to report with the temporary forum ban I had. Proof-...
Title says it all...
Ign-ICantPvPHD Haxor- DarkKillJoy Normal day on Op PvP..And I spot this famous pvper on duh server! THEN I SEE HIM USING A ELITE HAXOR CLIENT! SO...
Ign- ICantPvPHD Offenders Ign- MR_B3N_123 So I went to spawn and 3 shotted Mr_B3n_123 And he got all fussy saying he was going to hack my mc acc,...
Ign- ICantPvPHD Offenders Ign- TheKribLeader_JJ I disarmed his axe/Golden apples[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] After that 20 or so minutes later he...
My ign- ICantPvPHD Offenders- Hells_Redempt (GOD) Using hacks on mineverse Op factions. (Chest ESP, NameTags, Health Tags) Also thinks, He uses...
Ign-ICantPvPHD Reporting-BAB199-No knockback/killaura Reporting-ThePonyMaster-Killaura Proof below [media]