Apparently there's a new secret place in the lobby that we can chat in... I'm hunting!
Oh. Wow. I can post on the forums on anything but my laptop.
Why... This... This is simply a work of art... And no, I'm not calling you a jerk for what you said. You stayed true to your opinion. You weren't...
Can anyone tell me why I can't post on any threads at all?
I really want to know why I can't post in threads...
But... Rachet... How could you... I just figured out you were demoted... Please stay! You don't have to be a moderator, you only have to be a good...
Hmm. So overall, our ideas come to making rooms for RP's where there chat doesn't show up in the main chat, we ban disturbing role plays and...
If guards in prison aren't allowed to kill you, what's the point of guard armor? Or did I just mis-read something when it was spelled god.
Oh, that's also a smart idea, xD. But there are still people who don't have recording devices, and even if they do, they might have TERRIBLE...
That's actually a pretty smart idea. Except it would take a while for the video to upload, and it would also take a while to write down all the...
If it gets added to the rules, I bet it'll decrease by a TON. However, that would also make me reporting players 24/7...
I just wish it could be added to the rules, so I can report them, and get them punished.
Support! This application is amazing! You'll obviously getting in, no doubt. :3
I still don't understand. When my internet slows down, I slowdown...
Well hello. I'm just gonna start the report right here, so I can get back to prison. Your IGN: BobSheepert Offender's IGN: FatFish0110 and...
I support this. good luck!
KITTIES OF POWER! (And cuteness)
I <3 pickles...
Weird... I can't post on certain threads...