I double dog dare you guys to try and violate me. Whoever does it gets 75 dollars in kit PvP. (I hope that didn't sound perverted...)
Oh god... Get the shotgun...
I really need some help here. Can some staff member fix my forums account? I can't post in threads, or have a conversation unless I'm on IOS
Oh... Well then...
Well, it's obvious, support. One thing though. Change all your, "i"'s to, "I"'s. It looks kind of unprofessional. Also, you obviously typed this...
I hate it. Worst one I've seen EVER! Jk, jk, I absolutely love it. I could honestly go on for days describing how much of an amazing application...
Then again, I freak out In happiness at a steady 25 FPS. My laptop sucks.
My friend gets about 375 FPS at average, and he calls 200 slow.
You MUST read it.
This one's quite deep. Have you read, "Ever Soul A Star"? If so, what do you think about it? It's very deep cause that book is very deep. No,...
Some people should become moderators without even writing an application. :)
Past few days have been teary. "Every Soul A Star" is such a touching book.
Yes, the item will, "disappear" however, there is a chance the data will preserve.
So many people have had this problem. It's like a way to ban someone from the game without the commands. Except there are also many people who...
7 days until I MIGHT come back to the U.S. Then I can take advantage of my good internet and play Mineverse 24/7. ;)
Well, this seems interesting. IGN: BobSheepert Rank: Default... :/ Hoping you can get me MVP. :) Offer: $670 on KitPvP. Hope that's enough,...
I just had a 14 minute talk to my friend on why he should stop hacking. I made him swear to god. Kill Aura hackers are never fun...
Mmmm. Only 22% support. I suggested you have 5 DIFFERENT paragraphs that all have a DIFFERENT reason on why should become a moderator. You wrote...