Creative. You let your imagination free. A bit too free.
Banned for having a mushroom underwear.
Woah. #Dedicated
I agree with that 100%.
The role plays are fine... Most of the time. Cause sometimes there are... spooning role plays... which are really disturbing.
Well hello. Since the day I started Creative, the players... were strange. You'll understand why I think this in a bit. So in Creative mode, there...
Wonderful, amazing, and fantastic moderator application. 100% support! One thing though, how long did it take you to write this?
I got banned from the forums for 48 hours for posting on a report. However, I never received one of those, "You Have Been Banned" Messages.
Woo-hoo! You're a staff member! This means I won't stab myself over fifty times! Anyways Jadey, I wish you good luck on your time as staff, and I...
I've seen a moderator on creative once. Just once.