but I wanna play skywars and infection bb plus. I start flame wars in yt comments
I'm not a boi you diseased african
I literally just play on it for infection and skywars...
Piss Off you Autist xd
This Server is filled with cringey children who don't worship papa franku lmao this server makes me wanna die xd
ey b0ss
._. but hacking is on minetime bb
i made tons of offensive jokes ;D
minetime's back CYA LOSERS XD
mt's back up cya losers
i had a brainfart lol i changed it to mineverse
(before you say "if you hated mineverse you would have already left" i don't hate it enough to leave. if it doesn't change i'll leave) I Hate...
Tbh the only reason I joined this cancerous server was bc minetime shut down.
bc y not
idek how 2 appeal doe